A well deserved win for our women’s shinty team this month at Strathclyde. The team, sponsored by Kishorn Port and Dry Dock Ltd, consisted of five women from UHI and three from University of Aberdeen, entering the tournament as a combined UHI/Aberdeen team. Organised by Scottish Student Sport, the tournament encourages new players to get match experience and four of team had only just started playing.

We won two games in the group stages against Edinburgh and St Andrews, before moving on to face the home team, Strathclyde, in the final. The UHI/Aberdeen team took a 5-1 win, a fantastic achievement for the women and a great way of wrapping up Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week.

The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all of our students and the perfect opportunity to showcase our new players. We felt really supported by the other universities at the tournament, with Stirling lending us helmets, Edinburgh lending us sticks and Aberdeen enabling us to combine to enter a full team. We’d also like to thank our sponsor, Kishorn Port and Dry Dock Ltd for their continuous support in enabling us to develop our shinty team.