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Islamophobia has no place at UHI.

Islamophobia is fear, hatred, or discrimination against Muslims, simply because of their religion or culture. It can show up in everyday actions, like making unfair comments, treating people differently, or spreading stereotypes. It’s also seen in the media and even in laws or policies.

In Scotland, 75% of Muslims say that Islamophobia is a regular or everyday issue. In the UK, Muslims are the most targeted group for religion-based hate crimes. In In 2023, across the UK, 44% of religious hate crimes were against Muslims.

If you witness incidents of Islamophobia or require support, please contact an organisation to help! At UHI, you can contact HISA, your students’ association, or student support at your college.  No one should deal with this alone and we all have a responsibility to make sure Islamophobia is not tolerated in our communities.

Read the our Executive Statement on Gaza!

Learn more about Islamophobia with this video by our President.

Contact our Islamic Society.


Islamophobia Awareness Month

Shakti Women's Aid



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