Each Academic Partner (AP) at UHI has it’s own Board of Management or Trustee Board which has a legal responsibility to run that AP. There are places for a Chair, members outwith the AP and for at least one student member.
As your Students’ Association, we have been working since November 2021 on mapping how this level of decision-making works across the UHI partnership at a local level, discussing with student board members and board representatives what they need to be an effective voice for students, and identifying how we support our staff to support student board members. We called this piece of work the Board of Management Project.
This led to the creation of a report we shared in August 2023 which details all the conversations had and intended actions on the Students’ Association, in partnership with the UHI partnership, plan to undertake to ensure a strong and effective student voice at local boards. You can find this report here.
Throughout academic year 2023/2024, we have been sharing this report with all Boards of Management and Trustee Boards to endorse our report and approve work to take place for a Local Action Plan to ensure that there is consistency across UHI in the support student board members – whether they are Local Deputes or not – receive.
Our plan is to have this work approved at ALL academic partners across UHI, evaluate this project in Autumn 2024 and see how this can improve effective student members across UHI.
If you have any questions about the project, please email hisa@uhi.ac.uk for more information.
Final Report