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We, Your Students' Association, are an organisation led by students for students.  Every year, students elect other students to lead the work of their Students' Association. This is a great opportunity for you to represent your fellow students and improve the student experience.

We exist to represent all students in the Highlands and Islands – whatever you study, wherever you study.  There are various roles available where you can leave a legacy for students in your region and where you learn.

Elected student officers represent students' voices. They sit on the highest decision-making bodies of UHI and its academic partners, meet with local and national politicians, and campaign for change. They do all this to improve people’s lives.

To become an officer at Your Students' Association, you don’t need to submit a CV, attend an interview or have prior experience.  All you need is a vision for students, and to secure the support of your fellow students in an election.

If you would like some more information on the elections, please get in touch with the elections coordinator, and they will be happy to assist you (

Upcoming By-Elections

We don't have any Elections or By-Elections upcoming until the 2025 Spring Elections.

Previous Results

By-Election 2024

Spring Elections 2024


No elections are currently running

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