The University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and the Highlands and Islands Students' Association (HISA) are proud to announce the launch of their joint Student Mental Health Agreement (SMHA) for 2024-2026.

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The University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and the Highlands and Islands Students' Association (HISA) are proud to announce the launch of their joint Student Mental Health Agreement (SMHA) for 2024-2026.  

This updated agreement reaffirms our collective commitment to improving student mental health and wellbeing by building on previous initiatives, refining existing support services, and introducing new measures informed by student feedback. It outlines key actions to ensure all students feel safe, supported and enabled to achieve success. 

UHI and HISA have a strong partnership focused on delivering an outstanding student experience. The SMHA forms a key part of this collaboration and was developed as part of the NUS (National Union of Students) Scotland ‘Think Positive’ initiative.  Each year, we continue to build on this plan, co-creating objectives and impact measures with input from UHI students and support from Think Positive.  

By evaluating past objectives and implementing targeted actions, the agreement drives ongoing progress with the overarching aim of empowering positive mental health and wellbeing for all students at UHI. This approach aligns our ethos - in which we understand that many aspects of a student's experience interconnect and may impact their health and wellbeing. 

In spring 2024, UHI’s Mental Health and Counselling Team and HISA conducted a student survey to identify the areas of mental health and wellbeing that matter most to students. Insights from this survey, along with feedback from other discussions, have directly shaped the priorities of the 2024-2026 SMHA. This student-led approach ensures that the agreement addresses real needs and brings about meaningful change. 

Key highlights of the SMHA included enhanced support services, improved mental health awareness, and the cultivation of a positive culture around wellbeing. The agreement focuses on collaboration, accessible resources, training for staff and students, and proactive measures to address challenges.  

HISA President, William Campbell, said: 

"I am proud of the launch of the 2024-2026 Student Mental Health Agreement, which marks a significant milestone in our shared commitment to the wellbeing of UHI students. At HISA, we recognise that mental health is central to every aspect of student life, and this agreement reflects our determination to ensure every student feels supported, understood, and empowered to thrive. 

“Through collaboration and the insights of our students, we’ve shaped an agreement that addresses real needs and drives meaningful change. By building on past successes and introducing new initiatives, we’re fostering a culture that prioritises mental health and ensures no student feels left behind. Together with UHI, we will continue to work tirelessly to deliver a supportive and inclusive environment where students can achieve their full potential." 

Allie Scott and Lorna Ferguson from UHI’s Mental Health and Counselling Team, say: 

“We are excited to announce the launch of the Student Mental Health Agreement (SMHA) for 2024-26 across the partnership. This initiative highlights the strong collaboration between UHI’s Mental Health and Counselling Team, HISA, and our academic partners, ensuring that student mental health remains a key priority in line with our updated Mental Health Strategy. It encourages open communication about mental health, promotes opportunities for collaboration and awareness, and provides clear pathways to support when needed. The SMHA reinforces our ongoing commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, fostering a sense of belonging and tackling student social isolation. We are dedicated to enhancing student mental health and wellbeing to help ensure successful outcomes for all.” 

For more information and to read the full agreement, visit HISA's webpage


Bidh UHI agus HISA ag ath-ùrachadh an dealais a thaobh sunnd oileanaich le Aonta Slàinte Inntinn Oileanaich  

Tha Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean (UHI) agus Comann Oileanaich na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean (HISA) moiteil ainmeachadh gu bheil an co-aonta slàinte inntinn oileanaich aca (SMHA) airson 2024-2026 air a chur air bhog. 

Tha an t-aonta ùraichte seo ag ath-dhaingneachadh ar dealais choitchinn a thaobh slàinte inntinn is sunnd oileanaich a leasachadh, le bhith a’ togail air iomairtean a bh’ ann roimhe, ag ùrachadh nan seirbheisean taice a th’ ann mar-thà, agus a’ toirt a-steach cheumannan ùra le fios air ais bho oileanaich. Tha e a’ mìneachadh prìomh ghnìomhan gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil a h-uile oileanach a’ faireachdainn sàbhailte, a’ faighinn taic agus comasach air soirbheachadh. 

Tha com-pàirteachas làidir aig UHI agus HISA a tha cuimsichte air a bhith a’ lìbhrigeadh eòlas air leth do dh’oileanaich. Tha an SMHA na phrìomh phàirt den cho-obrachadh seo agus chaidh a leasachadh mar phàirt de dh’iomairt ‘Think Positive’ aig NUS (Aonadh Nàiseanta nan Oileanach) Alba. Gach bliadhna, tha sinn a’ leantainn oirnn a’ togail air a’ phlana seo, a’ co-chruthachadh amasan agus cheumannan buaidh le taic bho oileanaich UHI. 

Le bhith a’ measadh amasan an ama a dh’fhalbh agus a’ cur an gnìomh ghnìomhan cuimsichte, bidh an t-aonta a’ stiùireadh adhartas leantainneach leis an amas fharsaing air slàinte inntinn agus sunnd adhartach a chumhachdachadh do gach oileanach aig UHI. Tha an dòigh-obrach seo a’ co-thaobhadh ar feallsanachd – anns a bheil sinn a’ tuigsinn gu bheil iomadh taobh de eòlas oileanaich eadar-cheangailte a dh’fhaodadh buaidh a thoirt air an slàinte is sunnd. 

As t-Earrach 2024, choilean Sgioba Slàinte Inntinn is Comhairleachaidh UHI agus HISA suirbhidh oileanach gus na raointean de shlàinte inntinn agus sunnd as cudromaiche do dh’oileanaich a chomharrachadh. Tha beachdan bhon t-suirbhidh seo, còmhla ri fios air ais bho chòmhraidhean eile, air cumadh dìreach a thoirt air prìomhachasan SMHA 2024-2026. Tha an dòigh-obrach seo air a stiùireadh le oileanaich a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an t-aonta a’ dèiligeadh ri fìor fheumalachdan agus a’ toirt atharrachadh brìoghmhor gu buil. 

Am measg prìomh thachartasan an SMHA bha seirbheisean taic leasaichte, mothachadh slàinte inntinn nas fheàrr, agus àiteachadh cultar adhartach mu shunnd. Tha an t-aonta ag amas air co-obrachadh, goireasan ruigsinneach, trèanadh do luchd-obrach agus oileanaich, agus ceumannan for-ghnìomhach gus dèiligeadh ri dùbhlain. 

Thuirt Ceann-suidhe HISA, Uilleam Caimbeul: 

“Tha mi moiteil mu bhith a’ cur air bhog Aonta Slàinte Inntinn Oileanaich 2024-2026, a tha a’ comharrachadh clach-mhìle chudromach nar dealas coitcheann airson sunnd oileanaich OGE. Aig HISA, tha sinn ag aithneachadh gu bheil slàinte inntinn aig cridhe gach taobh de bheatha nan oileanach, agus tha an t-aonta seo a’ nochdadh ar diongmhaltas a thaobh dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil a h-uile oileanach a’ faireachdainn gu bheil iad a’ faighinn taic, tuigse agus cumhachd airson soirbheachadh. 

“Tro cho-obrachadh agus lèirsinn nan oileanach againn, tha sinn air aonta a chumadh a tha a’ dèiligeadh ri fìor fheumalachdan agus a bhios a’ stiùireadh atharrachadh brìoghmhor. Le bhith a’ togail air soirbheasan an ama a dh’fhalbh agus a’ toirt a-steach iomairtean ùra, tha sinn ag àrach cultar a tha a’ toirt prìomhachas do shlàinte inntinn agus a nì cinnteach nach eil oileanach sam bith a’ faireachdainn air fhàgail às. Còmhla ri UHI, cumaidh sinn oirnn ag obair gu cruaidh gus àrainneachd thaiceil agus in-ghabhalach a lìbhrigeadh far an urrainn do dh’oileanaich an làn chomais a choileanadh.” 

Tha Allie Scott agus Lorna NicFhearghais bho Sgioba Slàinte Inntinn agus Comhairleachaidh UHI ag ràdh: 

“Tha sinn air leth toilichte ainmeachadh gu bheil Aonta Slàinte Inntinn nan Oileanach (SMHA) air a chur air bhog airson 2024-26 tarsainn a’ chom-pàirteachais. Tha an iomairt seo a’ comharrachadh a’ cho-obrachaidh làidir eadar Sgioba Slàinte Inntinn agus Comhairleachaidh UHI, HISA, agus ar com-pàirtichean acadaimigeach, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil slàinte inntinn oileanaich fhathast na àrd-phrìomhachas a rèir ar Ro-innleachd Slàinte Inntinn ùraichte. Bidh e a’ brosnachadh conaltradh fosgailte mu shlàinte inntinn, a’ brosnachadh chothroman airson co-obrachadh agus mothachadh, agus a’ toirt seachad shlighean soilleir gu taic nuair a bhios feum air. Tha an SMHA a’ daingneachadh ar dealais leantainnich a thaobh co-ionannachd, iomadachd agus in-ghabhail, ag àrach faireachdainn de bhuinteanas agus a’ dèiligeadh ri iomallachd sòisealta oileanaich. Tha sinn dealasach a thaobh slàinte inntinn is sunnd oileanaich àrdachadh gus cuideachadh le bhith a’ dèanamh cinnteach à builean soirbheachail dha na h-uile.” 

Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh agus airson an làn aonta a leughadh, tadhail air duilleag-lìn HISA. 


Picture caption: Students at UHI Moray's campus on Moray Street, Elgin. Photo credit: UHI Moray and Tim Winterburn.
