UHI has launched a new online disclosure tool to help students inform UHI about potential, past, or present Gender-Based Violence.

Hand holding a mobile phone with the online disclosure tool website open

UHI has launched an Online Disclosure Tool as part of #16DaysofAction.

If you’ve experienced gender-based violence, you can now safely and securely report it—whether you choose to remain anonymous or share your contact details for further support.

The Online Disclosure Tool is found at  www.uhi.ac.uk/gbsv

For support, you can contact your local Student Support Team or ask a member of staff to help you do this. We know that the first step can feel really difficult, which is why you can now tell UHI about GBV in an accessible online form, in your own time, from wherever you might be, via the Online Disclosure Tool. 

HISA's Advice Service provides independent and impartial advice to students and is also available if you are unsure about making a disclosure via the tool. 

The UHI Online Disclosure Tool is not managed 24/7 and should not be used in an emergency. In an emergency, please dial 999. UHI Online Disclosure Tool response times vary based on Academic Partner, and may be longer in holiday periods.  

Please visit our UHI GBV webpages before, during or after using the tool.

We’re here to help and support you.

Tha sinn moiteil ainmeachadh gu bheil an t-Inneal Foillseachaidh Air-loidhne againn air a chur air bhog mar phàirt de #16DaysofAction ➕Ma tha thu air fòirneart stèidhichte air gnè fhulang, faodaidh tu a-nis innse gu sàbhailte agus gu tèarainte - ge bith a bheil thu airson fuireach gun urra no am fiosrachadh conaltraidh agad a cho-roinn airson tuilleadh taic: www.uhi.ac.uk/gbsv

➕ Tha sinn an seo gus do chuideachadh agus taic a thoirt dhut.