With voting in this year’s Student Elections just around the corner, have you decided yet who you will be voting to represent you?
Make sure you check out the candidates and their plans for HISA before voting opens on Monday March 10th at 10am.
Voting will be online and at your college!
With voting in this year’s Student Elections just around the corner, have you decided yet who you will be voting for to represent you?
Make sure you check out the candidates and their plans for HISA at https://hisa.uhi.ac.uk/candidates before voting opens on Monday March 10th at 10am.
What are the Student Elections?
The Student Elections are an annual election to elect the sixteen Student Officers that lead the Highlands & Islands Students’ Association (HISA).
There are two types of Student Officer within HISA; Cross-Campus Officers and Local Officers.
Cross-Campus Officers represent you across all UHI academic partners and campuses, and campaign for improvements to the student experience across the whole of UHI.
Local Officers represent you at your specific UHI academic partner, and campaign for improvements to your everyday experience on campus.
When will voting be open?
Voting opens at 10am on Monday 10th of March, and closes at 4pm on Thursday the 13th of March.
How can I vote?
- Visit one of our on-campus polling stations or vote online via our website! (link available when voting opens)
- Login using your UHI login details
- You can vote for one candidate per position
- Cast your vote for your Student Officers
- Thanks for voting! Keep an eye on our website and social media for the results