This article was originally published on the 27th March, 2020.

Considering the overwhelming amount of news we’re currently exposed to, it's no surprise that many of us are worried about coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it could affect our wellbeing and life. Aside from the general worry, you may be experiencing about your physical health, this pandemic is taking a larger toll on our collective mental health. So, to help you stay on track in lockdown, #TeamHISA has collated our top tips and tricks to maintain a healthy mind!

Get Moving.

Home workouts are a great way to stay healthy and motivated while killing indoor time. You don’t need weights or equipment either - there are so many online workouts and virtual classes to keep you active! Moving your body is just as good for your mental health as it is for your physical wellbeing, by getting your body moving you’re much more likely to feel energised and positive while on lockdown.

Stay Grounded.

#TeamHISA VPFE, Ash Morgan, practices grounding techniques to keep her calm in times of distress - it’s definitely worth a try if you’re struggling right now: 

"Sitting down, starting at your toes squeeze and tense them as hard as you can for 5 seconds then release, then moving up to your calves, then thighs, then bottom, then stomach, then hands, then shoulders, then face. I also like to push myself to name five things I can see, four things I can hear, three things I can feel, two things I can smell and one thing I can taste!”

Reach out for help.

It’s important to not believe everything you read; get the facts from reputable platforms and listen to health experts who know what they are talking about. If you feel overwhelmed, HISA, your course leader, personal academic tutor or local student support team are all there to support you. The World Health Organisation and health and wellbeing charity, Mind, have produced resources on coping with stress during a pandemic. The University also has an online counselling service which you can access through the green button. 

Take up a new hobby.

Try something new to keep you busy - take up hula hooping from your garden, learn to cook and bake, or finish knitting that scarf you started months ago. Let’s use this time to be productive and positive! With everything going on at the minute, it can feel strange to enjoy yourself, but, remember that sometimes it’s best for your mental wellbeing to just take a break! Stop reading the constant news updates and engage with things that make you feel good and happy.

Keep in touch with friends and family.

Lockdown can be seriously isolating - so, it’s important to stay socially connected even while you’re physically apart from your friends and family. You can use technology to connect with people in so many ways - Facetime, Skype, Zoom, and House Party are some of the platforms that allow you to video chat all around the world. Remember you’re not the only one going through this - reach out to other people you know who may also be struggling and work through this uncertain time together!
