Everyone deserves a life free of the fear and threat of Gender-Based Violence.


Everyone deserves a life free of the fear and threat of Gender-Based Violence. GBV can include physical and sexual violence, verbal threats, emotional trauma, financial control and manipulation, abusive language, and coercion. If you are looking for support or more information relating to harm or fear of harm based on your gender, please reach out to one of the organizations below.  The organizations below can provide a variety of support from 24-hour helplines and webchats, to counselling, financial aid, housing, childcare, and legal advice.  Every person deserves dignity, respect, and safety. 

Throughout Scotland

Rape Crisis Scotland | Working to end sexual violence 

Scottish Women’s Rights Centre (scottishwomensrightscentre.org.uk) 

Contact | Scottish Women's Aid (womensaid.scot) 

AMIS | Abused Men In Scotland 

Home | No Feart CIC Abuse & Trauma Recovery for men/Manspace, women/Woman/teens 

Scotland's National Children's Charity | Children 1st 

SAY Women (say-women.co.uk) Young Adult Survivors 

TARA - Tara Scotland Trafficking 

Women's Services - Simon Community Scotland (simonscotland.org) Homelessness 



The Compass Centre 

Turn to SARCS – NHS inform 

Victim Support Shetland - Affected by crime in Shetland? 

Relationships Scotland – Shetland – Relationships Scotland (relationships-scotland.org.uk) 

Shetland Women's Aid | Domestic Abuse Charity in Shetland (shetlandwa.org) 


Orkney Rape & Sexual Assault Service (orsas.scot) 

Welcome to Women’s Aid Orkney - Women's Aid Orkney (womensaidorkney.org.uk) 

Orkney Partnership for Action Against Gender-Based Violence and Abuse: Facebook 

Orkney Domestic Abuse Forum 


Western Isles Women's Aid – Working together until women and children are safe (westernisleswomensaid.co.uk) 


RASASH | Rape & Sexual Abuse Service Highland 

Caithness and Sutherland 



Lochaber Women’s Aid Rape Crisis Scotland 


Rosshire Women's Aid Home - Rosshire Women's Aid (rosswa.co.uk) 


Home | Rape & Sexual Abuse Service Highland (rasash.org.uk) 


Moray Rape Crisis 

Moray Women's Aid - Moray Council 


RASAC Perth & Kinross (rasacpk.org.uk) 

Argyll and Bute 

Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis (rapecrisiscentre-argyll-bute.org.uk)