As a mature student i have been in education multiple times, this has given me an insight into different colleges and student associations.
As part of Scotlands Rural United Colleges (SRUC) I was lucky enough to be nomiated to the role of Campus Officer where i was responsible for encouraging new clubs to form and helping current clubs become more established. Once my role was complete I moved on to setting up and running the SRUC Rock climbing and Mountaineering club which ran for 3 years under my supervision. Achieving awards such as "most active sports club" and "most active student".
With UHI Inverness I helped setup events and run the rock climbing club. Applying for funding to help with club days out.
At both UHI Inverness and Fort William I have been working as a Student Ambassador providing blogs and reels in topics such as menatl health, student support, excercise and outdoor experiences.
These experiences have allowed me to spend time with students of all ages and backgrounds and to find out about the stresses and strains we all have while being a student.
As a ful time mature student I have had to rely on help from student finances and the student counsellors.
This broad range of knowledge and work experience makes me well suited to take on a role as an Officer for UHI.
Hopefully I can help and guide students in this role as I have in the other roles.