I am Emmaleigh Hay and if I become your vice president for Moray, I plan on making everyone feel like they belong in our education community. e.g. if they are part of the lgbtq+. As a member of lgbt and the winner of the first pride in moray award for inspiring young person I feel like I could successfully manage to pull it off. I intend to listen to what my fellow students have to say about their learning community and come up with solutions to any difficulties they may be coming across. I want everyone to have thier truths be heard and understood no matter who they are race, sexual oreintation or identity. I also want all students moving up from the high school to the college to get a chance to get to know a bit about who or what to expect for their course before incudction so that when incudction does come around that their anxous levels are lowererd. We can maybe do this by if they apply to a course there will be a group online so they can get a chance to speak to people in the course and hopefully make some friends before they come in.