I’ll try to keep this as short as sweet as possible
Music should be a priority for anyone who wants to take up studies of it. Most students aren’t able to reach Alness college or even get any of the resources in order to properly study there, so why not dedicate an entire nearby building to studying and playing music. Inverness has completely phased out music for its culture and talking as a musician myself, It disappoints me on so many levels. So might as well take the power back into the hands of what truly matters. Expression. Whether it be through art pieces, movies, music or just your own sexual preferences, Expression is an important part of what it takes to be human. A city with no expression is no city at all!
Also, I have been noticing a ton of students getting scalded by their teachers for not showing up at the right time even if they DO apologise, but I’m standing by the fact that it’s not any of the students’ fault. It’s the buses that are in the wrong, but we can’t control any of that so instead, I’m advocating for classes to start at 9:15 instead of 9 on the dot. The Bothy should also be a social area rather than a quiet one ‘cause let’s face it. Nobody studies in the Bothy. From what I’ve overlooked, They’re either playing games or watching videos AKA the exact opposite of studying. People under National 2 should qualify for any art course, There should be free film screenings bimonthly, and lastly, Computers should have DVD players. No reason why, I just think the computers would look silly without them. Oh! and for the love of god and I mean this in the upmost of my honesty, ABANDON AI AS A VIABLE ARTFORM AND HIRE ACTUAL ARTISTS TO MAKE YOUR FLIERS! PAY THEM IF YOU MUST! JUST DON’T DO WHAT YOU DID WITH THE FLIERS FOR THAT ONE COSTUME PARTY YOU ALL DID LAST YEAR! YOU KNOW THE ONE!!!……sorry. I just had to get that out there. The UHI is an important place for all of us to be who we want to be. Especially for the more artistic, and the campus itself should accommodate that