
People in rural Scotland can experience mental health conditions, self-harming behaviour, suicidal thoughts and feelings – no matter their age, gender or location. Experiencing this in a rural setting can bring on isolation, worsened by remoteness that causes stigma or fear.

Change Mental Health is a national mental health charity with significant expertise in rural mental health, running a Forum specifically on the topic while it delivers 80% of its mental health, community-based support to people in rural communities. The charity also operates prominently within the areas UHI covers – specifically Highland and Tayside.

This session will explore rural mental health and rural Scotland broadly. What defines rural? How does living in a rural area affect your mental health? We will explore tips to improve your mental health while living remotely and how you can get support.

If you're having trouble signing up, email hisa@uhi.ac.uk with the subject line Feel Fab February - Rural Mental Health Workshop Sign-Up and we'll send the link to you directly!