Open Letter: Graduations

This article was originally published on the 20th May, 2020

Prof. Crichton Lang
Chair of Partnership Council


20th May 2020


Dear Crichton,


We write to you today in your capacity as the chair of UHI’s Partnership Council.  We are aware that a discussion will be held regarding the prospect of graduations for UHI students in 2020, and that this meeting will also hope to reach a decision on how the partnership will be moving forward.

We welcome Partnership Council’s urgency to make a decision on this matter, in order to offer clarification to students.  Many students are rightfully concerned about the prospect of graduations taking place at a time when there is still widespread uncertainty surrounding when guidelines around self-isolation and social distancing will be relaxed, and it is important that we are able to offer them the reassurance that they need at this already stressful time.

Following consultation that we have conducted with students, there is clearly a strong common opinion among them in regards to graduations.  This opinion can be summarised as follows:


  • Overwhelmingly, students would like to have the opportunity to graduate in person, when it safe for them to do so, and without the need for social distancing measures to be imposed at these ceremonies.  Many of our students and their families are vulnerable, and we cannot ask them to attend a ceremony if it is not safe for them to do so.  Likewise, we cannot offer ceremonies to other students which would exclude our vulnerable students and their families.
  • Student opinion is mixed on the prospect of a virtual graduation, but the vast majority of those voicing support for one would only be content if it was offered “on top” of the prospect of a physical graduation in the future, when it is safe to do so.  Many students have also made it clear that they would have no interest in attending a virtual graduation.
  • Students have overwhelmingly stated that the main reason they wish to attend a graduation is to have the opportunity to celebrate their achievements among friends, family, and lecturing staff.  For our online learners, this may be the first time they have had the opportunity to meet with their classmates and lecturers.


In light of this feedback, and given the level of importance that this decision clearly has to our students, we call on partnership council to agree to the following terms at its next meeting:


  • Academic Partners who have confirmed a new date for a physical graduation should reverse this decision, and postpone indefinitely until there is clear, scientific guidance regarding when it will be possible to have large social gatherings without the need for social distancing.
  • All Academic Partners must agree to offer a postponed physical ceremony, when it is safe to do so, and which ideally is not merged with the 2021 graduations.  Students have indicated that early 2021 would be their preference, provided scientific guidance supports this as a sensible date. 
  • Appropriate measures must be put in place for any student who considers themselves vulnerable, if necessary, so that they can still attend a physical graduation.
  • A clear proposal for what form a virtual graduation would take should be drafted and passed to HISA for consultation before any decision is communicated to the wider student body. 
  • When the decision around virtual graduations is communicated, it will be made clear that they will not serve as a replacement for a physical ceremony in the future. 
  • UHI must consider delaying the date on which student email accounts are closed down, or provide a robust alternative communication method so that students can stay up to date on any developments regarding graduations.


We hope you will agree with us that these proposals are sensible, achievable, and in the best interests of all of the students of UHI.  We look forward to working with you to bring forward a plan for graduations that will allow our students to celebrate all of their outstanding achievements in completing their qualifications, particularly in light of these unprecedented and challenging circumstances. 

HISA remains on hand to assist in any way we can to ensure that the student voice continues to be heard and listened to as this process continues.  Given the considerable level of student interest in this matter, we will also be sharing this letter with the student body via our social media channels.


Kind Regards

HISA Executive Committee