What Are UHI's Student Conduct Procedures?

All UHI students agree to follow the rules regarding studying and behaviour during enrollment, which are set out in the UHI Student Code of Conduct.
Violating the Student Code of Conduct is treated as misconduct and dealt with using the Student Disciplinary Procedure. UHI aims to handle student misconduct fairly. If accused of breaching the code, UHI may initiate a disciplinary process. If necessary, the Advice Service can support you in challenging the proceedings.
The Student Code of Conduct applies to behaviour in both physical and online environments. It is important to note that the Code deals with Academic and Non-Academic Conduct separately.
The process of determining the severity of a code breach involves multiple levels. The extent of the breach determines the level at which it is considered. Throughout all stages of the procedure, deciding whether an offence has been committed is based on the balance of probabilities. This means that the person(s) responsible for determining the case should consider both the likelihood that the offence was committed and that it was not.
If your Academic Partner is investigating you under the Code, contact us for support and advice. We may represent you at any required hearing(s).
Useful Resources
UHI Student Disciplinary Procedure