About Us

This community-based club, established in 2010 with advice and financial support from Highland Council and Dornoch Community Council, is affiliated to the British Model Flying Association.

This community-based club, established in 2010 with advice and financial support from Highland Council and Dornoch Community Council, is affiliated to the British Model Flying Association.

The BMFA, which itself is affiliated with the Civil Aviation Authority, provides the club with Third Party Public Liability Insurance as well as operational guidelines and safety codes.

Club sessions are held throughout the year on Saturdays at Dornoch Airfield from 10am and during the Summer every Wednesday evening from 6pm when by prior arrangement training may be offered. Members who are able also meet during the week on days when the weather permits, such sessions are arranged between members.  Regular coffee mornings are held during the year at a local cafe to permit members to meet up irrespective of the weather.

The Club is open to all ages and skill levels as well as having a special Youth Group available to students at local schools and youth group organisations including the B.B.  Come along for a chat to learn more about us.

Location:  Dornoch Airfield, Aerodrome Road, Dornoch IV25 3LX

Contact: 07905 2858172

Email: petercrenel@gmail.com