About Us

The Speymouth Angling Association has a long history stemming from its formation in 1944.

The Speymouth Angling Association has a long history stemming from its formation in 1944 when the right to fish for Salmon and Sea Trout by rod and line was first afforded to local anglers.

The River Spey and the Association water in particular has built a solid reputation for its fine catches of Salmon, Grilse, Sea Trout and Finnock.

As a result we continue to host on average between 80-100 visiting anglers each season  from many parts of the UK, France, Holland and as far afield as the USA.

Speymouth Angling Association is fortunate to have the rod fishing for some three miles of water from the mouth of the River Spey to the Upper limit of the water at BraeHead.

Location: The Wedges, Spey Bay, IV32 7PJ

Contact: 01343 820703

Email: speymouth.angling@ymail.com