Moray Events

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Forthcoming Events

Mon 10th February

Circuit Workout
1pm - 2pm
Fitness Suite - UHI Moray
Led by HNC Fitness, Health and Exercise Students. Target different muscle groups in a range of exercises suitable for mixed abilities. Open to all UHI Staff and Students.

Thu 13th February

Rural Mental Health Workshop
noon - 1pm
Online (Microsoft Teams)
Walk & Talk
12:30pm - 1pm
Student Services Centre - UHI Moray
Led by UHI Moray Active Campus Coordinator, a short, relaxed walk with conversation prompts. Open to all UHI staff and students.
A rainbow background with a clock and the word quiz Queerosity Quiz: Feeling Fab Together
6pm - 7:30pm
Online on Teams

Wed 19th February

NHS Healthpoint
8:30am - 4pm
AGBC Cafe - UHI Moray
Your one stop health info point, offering free confidential advice. Get help to quite vaping/smoking, weight management, and other general health advice.
NHS Health Walk
12:30pm - 1pm
The Little Lunch Box @The Refectory - UHI Moray
A short, relaxed walk with NHS Health Walk Coordinator Morgan. Open to all UHI Staff and Students.

Thu 20th February

Journalling Workshop
4pm - 6pm
The AyePod - UHI Moray
Whether you're a journalling newbie or a pro, join HISA for a session of self-reflection and creativity. Refreshments provided, bring a notebook and pen(s).

Mon 24th February

Exam Stress Workshop
noon - 1pm
Online (Microsoft Teams)
Les Mills Body Combat & Body Balance
4pm - 5pm
Games Hall - UHI Moray
Workouts that leave you feeling empowered and improves mental focus. Open to all UHI Staff and Students.

Wed 26th February

Boxercise Taster Session
4:30pm - 5:15pm
Games Hall - UHI Moray
Led by UHI Moray's Active Campus Coordinator. Join a qualified instructor in this fun and stress busting exercise without the physical sparring aspect of boxing. Open to all UHI staff and students.
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