The Brit Challenge 2024

The Students’ Association is getting ready to launch the Brit Challenge 2024 - Find out more about ending Mental Health Stigma!


Mental Health is an issue that many of our students, and students across the UK, rank time and time again as their biggest concern.

For the last 10 years, we’ve had one statistic in our mind. “Approximately 1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem at some point in their lifetime” according to Public Health Scotland.

There are deep structural problems that stop people from getting the help they need when they have a Mental Health problem. One that we can all help to remove is the stigma, the perceived shame, associated with simply having a Mental Health condition.

That's why, during some of the most difficult months of the year, we are working in collaboration with the British Inspiration Trust and some of the partners at UHI to launch the BritChallenge 2024.

We’ll be releasing an activity card before the 24th of January with Activities for you to do, to share your story and end Mental Health stigma tomorrow.

This year's activities are all about the number  24. Some will include fitness, and some will boggle the mind. Are you up to the challenge?

Overall, we and others are aiming to deliver the BRIT Challenge that benefits students, staff and the wider community. Keep an eye out for the launch of Brit Challenge 2024 and get involved!

To find out more about the BritChallenge, including their work raising money for other Mental Health Charities, check out the link here

Template Social Media Captions

  • “I’m ending the stigma of Mental Health with the BritChallenge2024 #YourStudentsAssociation #BritChallenge #ThinkUHI”
  • “Thanks for nominating me to take part in the #BritChallenge 2024 #YourStudentsAssociation #ThinkUHI”
  • “1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem at some point in their lifetime. It’s okay to not be okay. #BritChallenge #YourStudentsAssociation #ThinkUHI”