About Us

Welcome to our club space! We are so excited that you have found your way here.

Club for students interested in sub-aqua diving. Based at the Scottish Association for Marine Science.

Welcome to our club space! We are so excited that you have found your way here. This will become the place that we will use alongside our social media to let you know about club dives, training events and socials. This is our Facebook group and our Instagram.

We are a university club and most of our members are SAMS students and have studied the marine environment extensively. Combining our knowledge with practical experience is really exciting!

If you have any questions, best get in touch with us via email: hisac.everyone@gmail.com


Chair - Christie Arthur - A873481
Secretary - Maria Laura Marcos - A870969
Treasurer - Lexie Robertson - A866306
Diving Officer - Rohan Holt - A195831
Training Officer - Merlin Farrell - A873153
Assistant Training Officer - Isla Elliott-Walker - A829680
Equipment Officer - Archie Sillars - A872183
Assistant Equipment Officer - Elliott Messeillier-Henery - A866436
Webmaster - Fraser Higgins - A872181
Social Secretary - Leah Topp - A872236