This article was originally published on the 19th September, 2019.
Student Officers are the voice of students at the University of the Highlands and Islands – but what does that actually mean and what does it involve day-to-day?
Well, you could be working on anything from political campaigns about student issues, to sitting on project boards and liaising with key university contacts to make changes with the University. The job is so empowering and rewarding, but we're not going to lie, it’s not always easy.
With Elections Nominations Period coming to an end, Andrew Bowie, HISA VPHE, tells us about his experience within the student officer role!
What made you decide to apply for the role of VPHE of HISA?
I was encouraged to stand whilst I was a local officer, but my time working with students at Inverness College really inspired me to run for a regional position. Working locally gives you a different perspective and taking that to the regional level gives you the chance to try and implement new, creative, and radical ideas for the benefit of students everywhere across UHI. I really wanted, with the support of students, to redefine how we represent students at our institution, and that was the main factor in why I ran for this role.
What has been your favourite moment of the job so far?
It's so hard to pick! I could probably pick a favourite moment for every single week of this job, but I think the single standout so far has to be HISA Con. We tried something totally new and different this year in our approach, and I think our efforts paid off in spades! I had a lot of fun helping to organise and host the event, and it was great to meet so many new friends.
What is the most rewarding aspect of being VPHE?
It’s so difficult to pick! But probably travelling around the partnership, meeting students, and helping them make positive changes to their learning experience wherever I can.
Is there something that surprised you?
Probably not what my Chief Executive will want me to say, but the flexibility of the job is really surprising! Of course, it's a full time role, so it's not like you can turn round and decide not to come in one day or anything like that, but you can typically work from anywhere in the partnership as and when works, and you largely control all of your own work and projects, based on what you've said in your manifesto, or what students on the ground are asking you to do.
What is the most FUN part of being VPHE?
A combination of the flexibility to set your own projects, plus getting out and about to travel all over the Highlands and Islands. Also, the staff team are so much fun to work with, so it's never a difficult job to turn up to in the morning when you know who's going to be working with you that day!
What is the most difficult aspect of your job?
Saying no to people, and setting aside projects that aren't progressing. At most, you can hold this role for two years, but you always feel under pressure to make sure things are wrapped up as quickly as possible, especially if you're facing the prospect of running for a second term. Also, people will have lots of great ideas for things you could be working on, and it can be really challenging to learn how to say no to students, and to have to explain to them why you might not be able to take on more work.
What does your day-to-day work life look like?
Completely different every day! One day I might be travelling to Orkney or Shetland for an event, the next day I'll be in Inverness attending Academic Council, or Quality Forum. It's never the same day twice, so it's never dull!