This article was originally published on the 20th February, 2020.
Student Officers are the voice of students at the University of the Highlands and Islands – but what does that actually mean and what does it involve day-to-day?
Well, you could be working on anything from political campaigns about student issues, to sitting on project boards and liaising with key university contacts to make changes with the University. The job is so empowering and rewarding, but we're not going to lie, it’s not always easy.
With Elections Nominations Period coming to an end, one of our past Vice President's of Further Education, tells us about their experience within the student officer role!
What made YOU apply for the position of VPFE?
I have always been the kind of person that likes helping others, so when the opportunity arose to make a real difference to students, i jumped at the chance. Also, the role being a well paid job was a huge bonus too!!
What was your favourite moment of the job?
There were so many amazing moments choosing one would be impossible. My top two would be-
1) The moment I was standing on the stage at regional council/HISACON, putting real faces to the names of the students I was representing, where it finally dawned on me that these students had put their trust in me and i had the chance to return that!
2) NUS conference, meeting other student officers for three days where real change is made by real students!
What is the most rewarding aspect?
The most rewarding part of the job for me came slightly after i finished in the role- I looked back over my time as VPFE and realised i had achieved much more than i ever thought I could. While in the role it was a bit of a whirlwind, you are doing so much that you don't really get the chance to fully appreciate how much change you have made for the better to the people of the UHI, but afterwards when you see the bigger picture, its feels like your very own Sistine chapel.
Was there anything surprising about the role as VPFE?
There are so many things, getting a phone call from the chief exec saying 'so i have now added you to the trustee board' was surprising, but the most surprising thing about the job for me, was that the travelling to other campuses, giving speeches, creating a better environment for students.
What did you do day to day? What can a VPFE expect?
Everyday was different! I would have my scheduled weekly meetings on various boards and panels, implementing this or improving that, but every day was a new adventure in the role. Sometimes it was travelling to a campus for an event or awards ceremony, other times a quiet day in the office writing to senior politicians in parliament about their failings, the role is very much what you make of it and whatever the students want to be done.
What was the most fun part?
HISA is in itself is fun! An amazing team of officers, staff and students. However, once a year we get the chance to all get together, every officer and staff member with some students and class reps, which is awesome- this my friends is a little known place called HISACON!
Any tips for the next VPFE?
Honestly, do the best you can, work hard and you will see the rewards, but more than anything else, remember that if you have been elected, you have earned this job and nobody can say any differently. There will be days where you feel like you haven't done enough, where you feel like someone else could have done something better. I sure felt that way a couple of times, but at the end of the day, you won that election because students believe in you, so you should believe in you too. and finally ENJOY IT!
Why nominate yourself?
You should nominate yourself for the VPFE role because even if you don't win the election, there are multiple skills you learn just from running a campaign, you make a huge difference to students if elected and it promises a year of fun, laughs, love and pride. You can do this, you can win, the change you make today, may tomorrow change the UHI and in a year, the world!