To practice good social distancing, a lot of you will be studying from home for the foreseeable future. But, staying inside with limited interaction with your friends, classmates and lecturers can take its toll on your mental health and productivity. To help you stay positive in lockdown, #TeamHISA has collated our top tips and tricks to keep you focused!
Establish time boundaries.
As you are no longer commuting to university, the boundaries between home and work can easily blur. Continuing to work out of work hours may leave you feeling stressed and ‘burnt-out’. Make sure you establish clear boundaries for work time and chill time!
Work in bright and clear spaces.
It’s really important to ensure your workspace is as comfortable as possible, especially considering that you may have to exist in this space for longer than usual. If you’re able to, set up in a bright and clear space, with room for a cuppa and to spread out notes. Try to keep your work environment as close to your usual work space as possible - you don’t want the TV on in the background or anything else you wouldn’t have in your classroom or library. A clean living space can make you feel calmer and more productive, so take this time to have that long overdue spring clean!
Maintain your routine.
Follow the routine that you would usually practice when getting ready for university. Washing and getting dressed will not only improve your state of mind, but it will also psychologically prepare you to start work. Be ready to start your day at the same time as you would normally arrive in your class, library or work space, and finish your day at the same time. Maintaining your routine will help you sustain your concentration and maintain a sense of ‘normality’ while studying from home!
Take regular breaks when possible.
Lacking motivation? If you have the opportunity to, take a quick walk outside (if you’re not self-isolating). It will make you feel so much better when you get back to your workspace. If you don’t have the opportunity to walk outside, make sure to get up every so often and move your body! There are so many online workouts, great playlists and virtual classes to keep you active. #TeamHISA is partaking in skype exercise sessions to keep us moving during lockdown!
Stay connected.
Even while social distancing, you can use technology to connect with people in different ways! Facetime your friends and family or Skype your classmates for that usual afternoon lunch hour or coffee break you’re missing from university. Studying from home can be isolating - so, it’s important to stay socially connected even while we’re physically apart.
Take a break from the news.
You’re probably spending a lot of time on your phone right now, with news alerts keeping you constantly up to date. But, remember that sometimes it’s best for your mental wellbeing to just take a break! It’s important to stay informed - so seek updates and advice from reputable sources when needed, but it’s never healthy to overwhelm yourself with the news. Try something new to keep you busy - listen to a new podcast, cook a new recipe for dinner tonight or delve into that book that’s been sitting by your bed for months. Let’s use this time to be productive and positive!