This article was originally published on the 11th October, 2019.
The Student Partnership Agreement sets out how students and staff can work together to improve the student experience across the University of the Highlands and Islands!
The SPA was developed in light of recommendations made in the Post-16 Education Green Paper, which advocated all Scottish universities to have a Student Partnership Agreement (SPA) with their student association!
The agreement for 2019-20 was agreed with the university's Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (QAEC) and HISA and was signed by both HISA President, Alan Simpson and the Principal of the University, Crichton Lang, on October 9th.
UHI was one of the first universities in Scotland to introduce a SPA!
HISA is immensely proud of the contribution we make to the Highlands and Islands regional community and beyond. And, together with UHI, our vision is that we will be nationally and internationally recognised as a distinctive and innovative partnership that embraces both further and higher education.
What's more, we want to encourage you to get involved in this activity and tell us how we can make your education better in any way!
The 2019-20 Student Partnership Agreement sets out how HISA and UHI will work together to benefit all students across the whole partnership.
Each year your HISA Regional Officers and members of UHI's Student Engagement Team work together on three focus themes (workstreams). This year's SPA themes are:
- Transport
- Student Funding
- Student Community
These are three themes that students have raised as issues they would like to see included in the SPA this year. The latest news from the SPA will be published here, on the UHI Website, and in the UHI Network students newsletter.
You can read the SPA 2019-20 here!
Please contact HISA or if you would like further information.
If you would like to know more about any of the workstream activities, contact your HISA representative or